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lunedì 7 aprile 2014

Revenges of Dr. Strangelove (again and again automated)

Revenges of Dr. Strangelove (revamped from 4.6.2012 and its automated shadow)

Ada Lovelace computed without any device.
H. P. Lovecraft crossed the species without a compass.
Arthur Lovejoy found the small stars without a satellite.
James Lovelock got the Earth breathing without a dig.
All started out with Love.
An aerial tunes to itself
before pulling the target.

Years of craft, miles of laces,
orgies of joy, a lock.
The big All opens the small gate: Love
That spills salty waters into the loose ends.

Love income calculated without any device.
Love letter crossed the species without a compass.
Joy found love - little stars without a satellite.
Love locks the breath of the earth without a dig.
It all started out with Love.
A flight songs for you,
before pulling the target.

Years of craft, miles of laces,
orgies of joy, a lock.
Great Everything opens the small gate: Love
In salt water it looses its ends.

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