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domenica 16 febbraio 2014

A child's garden of verses 24 (Robert Louis Stevenson)


Happy Thought

The world is so full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.

NB: Stevenson declared when he was 26 (in 1877): "For my part, I look back to the time when I was a Socialist with something like regret. I have convinced myself (for the moment) that we had better leave these great changes to what we call great blind forces: their blindness being so much more perspicacious than the little, peering, partial eyesight of men [...] Now I know that in thus turning Conservative with years, I am going through the normal cycle of change and traveling in the common orbit of men's opinions. I submit to this, as I would submit to gout or gray hair, as a concomitant of growing age or else of failing animal heat; but I do not acknowledge that it is necessarily a change for the better—I dare say it is deplorably for the worse."

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